Shields "Care Corner" Blog

Understanding The Bigger Picture

Written by Kiera McManus | Jul 22, 2019 12:44:32 AM

Jessica has been living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for 27 years. Multiple Sclerosis is a disease affecting the central nervous system (CNS) that interferes with the communication of information within and between the brain and the rest of the body. Recently, Jessica received a routine follow-up call from her clinical pharmacist, who noticed that she was uncharacteristically disengaged and short with her responses.


On the call Jessica explained to her pharmacist that she was diagnosed with MS as a teenager and has only had one relapse. She didn’t see the importance of continuing therapy. Hearing Jessica’s discouraged attitude, the clinical pharmacist spent more than 30 minutes discussing the disease of MS in general and how continuous therapy would reduce the chances of another relapse and prevent disease progression.


Jessica also questioned why her doctor decided to stop taking MRIs of her spine. Her clinical pharmacist explained that the MRI was only prescribed based on symptoms, and Jessica's symptoms did not necessitate MRI testing, at least for now. Jessica was amazed at the level of care and detail her pharmacist offered. She told her pharmacist, “In all of my years of living with MS, no one has taken the time to explain it to me as you have. It makes perfect sense.” 


Key Takeaways:

  • Customized Care: In a study done by the Shields Health Solutions Clinical Pharmacist team, customized clinical pharmacist interventions resulted in a 52% increase in patient medication adherence.
  • Integrated Care: 3-5x more patient care interactions leads to higher patient satisfaction rates and fewer lapses in care.

Read a case study from our Clinical Pharmacist team on medication adherence improvements in high risk patient populations here: